Ways to Support Us

Our newly created 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is dedicated to humanely reducing the un-owned free-roaming cat overpopulation in Modoc County while augmenting the hard work of the High Plateau Humane Society.

COMING SOON! On Valentine's Day, February 14th, 2025 we will celebrate this day of love with an online kitten shower! We strive to rescue as many of the kittens born outside to Modoc County's community cat population as we can. You can help us prepare our foster caregivers to provide all the love and care these kittens deserve until they can be adopted into loving homes! We currently have a wish list at Chewy.com with some of these supplies. We expect to have more options available to donate as we get closer to this date.

If you are interested in becoming a foster caregiver, contact Karen at modocspayandneuter@gmail.com or 760 898-4373.

We have partnered with Chewy.com for all your kitty's needs!

Scan this QR Code or copy the link to a new tab if you are a new customer.

At no cost to you, we will earn $15!




If you would like to view our Chewy wish list, please scan this QR Codeor copy the link to a new tab:





If you would like to view our Amazon wish list, please scan this QR Codeor copy the link to a new tab:


Amazon Wish List



You can support our volunteers in their work by mailing a check to:
Modoc Feline Humane Society
c/o Karen Haines
P. O. Box 1503, Alturas, CA 96101.

 Thank you for caring!