Baltimore City Cat Colonies Registry by BARCS

 BARCS’ free Community Cats Program is the humane, effective way to reduce the number of cats living on our streets. Community cats are the unowned stray or feral cats who live outdoors in our neighborhoods. If you are a caretaker in the Baltimore City area we want to know about your colony. You can create a free account to register your colony at As  a communtiy that loves and cares for these cats, we surely can work better together. 

Baltimore City Cat Colonies Registry by BARCS

 BARCS’ free Community Cats Program is the humane, effective way to reduce the number of cats living on our streets. Community cats are the unowned stray or feral cats who live outdoors in our neighborhoods. If you are a caretaker in the Baltimore City area we want to know about your colony. You can create a free account to register your colony at As  a communtiy that loves and cares for these cats, we surely can work better together. 

First Time User?

Create your own colony caretaker account today


TNR Works


  • Prevents unwanted litters 
  • Saves taxpayer dollars by keeping cats out of municipal shelters 
  • Decreases the number of cats needlessly dying in shelters 
  • Helps improve the health of outdoor cats 
  • Reduces nuisance behaviors like spraying, fighting, howling and roaming

Get Involved Bmore

Wheter it is by registering your local colony, feeding, caring, donating or more we can all make a difference in these cats lives. Our Community Cats Program is centered around spaying/neutering outdoor cats but it is so much more. In CCP we believe healthy and thriving outdoor cats are happier in their natural enviroment.  During a stay outdoor cats will go thorugh a basic check up, get vaccinated and treated for flea and tick prevention getting them ready to go back home feeling their best. TNR also allows us to identify cats that would best thrive indoors giving these a chance a at life that best suits them. To get involved or for more information rech out to us,