Community Cats Program -TNR Clinic

What is TNR? Trap-Neuter-Return, or "TNR," is the most humane and effective method known for managing feral and stray cats and reducing their numbers.. At the BARCS Community Cat Program (CCP) TNR Clinic,outdoor cats will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated against rabies and distemper, treated for fleas/ear mites, and ear tipped. They will also be given a sedated medical exam to check for any injuries / obvious health no cost to the public. 

Who is eligible for TNR clinic? Any Baltimore City outdoor cat  that is thriving in its environment, appears to be in good health, and is not believed to be recently abandoned is eligible for our TNR clinic. All kittens must be at three pounds prior to TNR clinic appointment. 

How does it work? All TNR clinics are by appointment only. All appointments are scheduled via email by contacting

The clinic is a 3-day process:

  • Day one: Drop off - caretakers drop off at BARCS facility

  • Day two: Surgery –  cats are spayed or neutered at BARCS

  • Day three: Pick-up – caretakers pick up and release cats to home location!

Clinic hours by appointment only

  • Sunday drop off: 9:00am - 1:00pm 

  • Tuesday pick-up: 11:00am – 4:00pm  

On the day of appointment For everyone's safety , we ask that all cats are brought in the following manner

  • In a secured and covered humane trap

  • Labeled with a total of four name tags. One on top and three on the front door of the humane cat trap. *we suggest using duct tape for ease of cleaning and reuse*

We do not accept cats in carriers i.e. hard, fabric, or box cat carriers.  


Thank you for your support!